Effectively advertising to teenagers and young ydults | Ziedal Morris

Effectively advertising to teenagers and young adults

teenagers and young adults

As technology keeps improving, teenagers and young adults are often the first to adapt to new devices and services. Because of their desire to experience all things new and fresh, they are the prime target demographic for the largest advertisers in the world. If you are running a business, then they should be yours too.

In order to appeal to today's youth, you need to establish an online reputation for your product or brand. Start off by creating accounts for the biggest social media websites of today: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. If you are big on expanding your brand and you have great visual ideas, it might be worth signing up for a YouTube channel too. Once you have your social media accounts set up, you need to build momentum for them. This can be done by promoting the accounts yourself on various websites, or perhaps a popular acquaintance could share your accounts with a large number of users. If you do not have the time for this, or if you have enough capital, you could always turn to the paid advertising services offered by websites. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have their own advertising services that have been proven to be a great value.

Analyzing the trends

After making a name for your product online, you need to start analyzing the trends of the moment by browsing popular websites such as Reddit and Twitter. Today's trends are based on memes, which are an image with custom text added in order to create a joke. To begin to understand what today's youth finds funny or trendy, you need to browse the most popular pages on the Internet and identify the newest memes. Once you have identified a meme, you need to make sure you understand it. To do this, you can either search for more examples of it on your favorite search engine, or you could try out Know Your Meme -  a website that explains every meme and gives you a detailed history of its usage.

Produce content that will attract potential customers to your pages and your brand

With the previous steps completed, you need to produce content that will attract potential customers to your pages and eventually, to your brand. The best way to do this is to create up-to-date memes and references that relate to your product. For example, relating your product to a popular meme or a trending hashtag via Twitter is likely to attract your target consumers. This is likely to be shared with a large audience due to the nature of social media and memes. Not all of your posts have to be witty puns or memes, but they do need to be high quality in order to surpass the pages of your potential competitors.

Keep it interesting and free

The current generation are hugely interested in freebies and interesting events. Hosting contests and sponsoring certain fun events such as concerts may prove to be worth the time and money invested. Make sure to advertise the fact that you are hosting or sponsoring something on all of your social media pages to make the most out of your advertising efforts.

Not everything revolves around social media though. The medium in which you share your product also has a large influence over your product's popularity. For example, purchasing ad space on fan websites for popular video games or - if you have the funding - in your local cinemas, has a huge impact on popularity.

All in all, marketing to todays youth can be fairly hard and tiresome - but extremely effective at the same time. Just make the attention is not entirely focused around teenagers and young adults as you want to make sure that other demographics are purchasing your product too.

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