Artificial intelligence marketing tools you should start using | Ziedal Morris

5 artificial intelligence marketing tools you should consider using

Artificial intelligence tools to improve your marketing

Using artificial intelligence in marketing helps businesses make better decisions, improve their customer journey, attract prospects more effectively, and ultimately change the way businesses do marketing. Here are some of the ways AI can help you with your marketing.

1. AI can help you write copy

Let’s be honest, writing is hard. Unless you’re a wordsmith or an incredible visual artist, chances are your advertising is going to need some work. Unfortunately, getting into marketing isn’t going to make you a better writer—at least not overnight. But what if there was a tool that could make your copywriting better? What if we told you that tool already exists? Enter artificial intelligence. Anyword uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to analyze and write copy for your advertisements.

2. Use artificial intelligence to detect and solve grammatical errors

Is grammar important? Yep. If you’re writing something that is supposed to represent you, proofreading is essential. Today’s readers are pickier than ever and making simple grammatical errors is a surefire way to make them lose interest in what you have to say—not exactly a great way to get customers or clients. So, learn how better analyze language and grammar before you hit publish by identifying potential issues before they turn into bigger ones. Grammarly uses artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and fix your mistakes when typing. This tool does not only perform a spell check, but also makes suggestions for improving style, word choice, and more.

3. AI can help you improve your SEO

SEO is so much more than optimizing a few keywords or setting up XML sitemaps—it’s about understanding how search engines work and what people are searching for online. While SEO can be a highly technical field, artificial intelligence can help marketers create and execute effective strategies.  Programs like HubSpot SEO bring together an entire range of intelligent applications that can learn from what works and adapt accordingly, meaning marketers no longer have to slog through traditional manual processes. Instead of writing copy manually or plotting out every individual element of your outreach strategy from scratch, you simply tell these tools how you want them to behave based on patterns and activity you see in real-time. This enables smarter scheduling that better targets times when messages will likely have an impact on consumer behavior—and better use of overall resources.

4. Use AI automated messaging to manage your conversations

Marketers are now using AI automated messaging solutions to help them manage conversations on websites and platforms like Facebook and Twitter. AI automatically provides better customer service by responding faster, identifying sales opportunities, and closing deals. Use Liveperson to help you reach, retain and convert customers through engaging conversations. With a fully integrated platform with dozens of capabilities including chatbots, email automation, predictive analytics, and real-time personalization - you'll experience world-class engagement with scalable results. Liveperson customers include Coca-Cola, Toyota, Hyundai, and more.

5. Write better subject lines for email marketing with AI

Subject lines are one of your most critical opportunities for getting prospects to open and engage with an email. However, creating effective subject lines requires a great deal of time, effort, and energy. With artificial intelligence used for automated subject line generation, you can save valuable resources by allowing machines to do some of that heavy lifting. Subject lines are much more than simple tags in your marketing emails—they play a huge role in determining if recipients will read or ignore those messages when they arrive in their inboxes. Phrasee uses artificial intelligence to help you write subject lines that increase response rates. Phrasee learns what works best based on real data, including historical performance and behavioral trends of each subscriber segment – as opposed to gut feelings or past examples without any relevance today.

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