Wise | Page 3 | Ziedal Morris


Multiple currencies, one account
Low conversion rates
Easily invest in stocks
Flexible VISA card management
Super fast setup
Extensive team access
Virtual VISA cards
Business and personal account
Use the WISE app on the go
Get your free Wise business banking account

WISE offers an international multicurrency banking account with low conversion rates and lots of handy features. You can open your account for free in minutes, and start banking right away. This means that you can start processing transactions immediately without having to wait for paperwork. Especially if you at starting a Limited Company in the UK, WISE is a perfect solution to handle your financial transactions. WISE is considered one of the best solutions worldwide when it comes down to fees, features, ease of use, and support.

With WISE you can open a multicurrency bank account, to pay and receive money in Dollar, Euro, Pound Sterling, and so on, with the lowest rates. You can easily request a VISA card to handle your payments around the world, online or physically. Order a personal VISA card for your employees, with their spending limits. A great reporting system allows you to follow up on your payments without any hassle. Use the WISA app to handle your finances on the go and to add extra security.

Calculate and compare conversion rates with other banks!

The true cost of sending GBP to EUR

Start with international banking today, click here to open your free WISE account!